Authentic Yogic Cures
Ayurveda forms part of a holistic approach to life shared by all the Eastern healing arts. It forms the other half of the discipline of Yoga, and the combination these ancient teachings empowers a person to have control over their own health. A large number of maladies can be managed without resort to modern pharmaceutical medicines. Ayurveda and Yoga can improve the quality of life, and undoubtedly optimize the health of all through careful lifestyle choices. Vedic medicine (Ayurveda) and Vedic spiritual practice (Yoga) work together in bringing harmony and well-being to body, mind and soul.
Ayurvedic medicinal treatments and supplements can bring great benefits by improving the overall wellness of the body and by enhancing the general immunity by working within the fundamental principles of nature. Our herbal products are always 100% natural, and prepared from flowers, fruits, tree bark, herbs and minerals, many of which are grown at our retreat centre in Kerala.
Ayurvedic treatments with Kairali remain true to the embargos of Vedic scripture, as you can discover at The Ayurvedic Healing Village. Kairali Ayurvedic Group offers the ancient detoxifying practice of Panchkarma, weight loss program, Yoga and meditation in the most holistic and natural surroundings.